Monday, September 6, 2010

Personal Community & Business-Identification

My name is Chad Andrew Syphrett. I'm a multi-talented artist. At this time I'm focusing on visual-art & motion pictures because I run a social-network & community that helps me design & open several fan-pages (including YouTube-channels) for members of popular websites.

My community is a pro-corporate/governmental entity that manages free forums, chatrooms, fan-pages, and channels, where artists, bloggers, and movie-makers can share their ideas & contribute to my community & company-projects.

If you're 1 of the many friends or kind strangers, who has come here to thank us, ask questions, or give us advice, we permit you to send public & private messages to us.

However, if you share the common character-traits of the psycho-retarded individuals we've encountered at various social-networks managed by 3rd-parties, your messages will be saved for a short-time, then deleted after we've verified your IP-address(es) & contacted your local-authorites.

That goes for all of you, who've written any libel remarks or complaints about our project-managers, admins, moderators, who've reported your criminal-activity or constant bad behavior in public.

Members of our community & future-company will not negoiate or give any of our offenders the benefit of knowing what are our legal-plans for you. As a whole, my community keeps track of individuals we think might be dangerous, socially-retarded, and harassers to partners in our network.

We don't prevent or deny "free speech", but we do keep track of who & where the comments are coming from, so when we start hiring people on the internet to work with us on several internet-related projects (including stores, theme-parks, and art-studios) we'll know exactly who to allow or invite, and who should be denied, banned or even reported to public-leaders & lawful-authorities working with us.